Abortion as an Issue...
The problem with abortion as an "issue" is that it is impossible to discuss abortion--either for or against--as a matter of public policy (or law) without reducing women of reproductive age--and all people, by association--to the status of breeding livestock.
"Pro choice" proponents are no less guilty of this slander than those advocating "Pro Life.”
The only appropriate course of action concerning abortion as an issue is to support the removal of the notion of abortion from legislative consideration of any kind, at every level. This is a purely pragmatic position. Consider: Any species whose members will allow _anything_ to interfere _in any way_ with the relationship between parents and their children necessarily depends on sheer numbers for survival. The quality of the individual members of the species matters only enough so that sufficient individuals will not allow--or will survive--interference with this axiomatic relationship to ensure the species' survival. In short, limited interference is tolerable, i.e., it works.
But it works, let us not forget, for herds.